
  • moon disc meditation
    Length: 28:32 minutes Format: MP3 Perfecting the moon disc meditation is one of the most important Buddhist meditations that you can practice. It can help you to connect with ay Buddhist deity. This particular guided meditation can work with any deity and Bronwen has chosen to meditate upon Yakushi Nyorai, the Japanese Buddha of Healing and Medicine. Yakushi means Medicine Teacher.
  • distance healing
    Can’t make it into a treatment? Then Bronwen has the solution with a 30 minute distance healing Reiki treatment. Order your treatment first, then Bronwen will email you to arrange a special time for the two of you to connect energetically.
  • animal distance
    Requesting distance healing for your animal friend is easy. Bronwen is famous for her love of animals and her deep connections with them. She can arrange a special time to connect energetically with you and your animal friend while you both remain comfortably at home. Once you have ordered your half hour treatment, Bronwen will email you so that you can choose a suitable time together.